Why a new community?

Many will ask this question - Why start yet another daca community?​

Yes we get it - there are other communities, and they all contribute to the grand scale of things.​

As time has gone by, the essence of who we are will never fade away - for that very reason. This community is here to stay, and to try it's best to be a vibrant and maintain core values on top of everything. Other communities have failed, they have forgotten about what this community should be about. Neglecting their members, their most important asset is inexcusable. Here everyone has a voice and you will be heard!.​

Come and join us in this ongoing journey, sign up

When you sign up on this site, you can -​

  • Participate as a full member​

  • Share & read stories of other dreamers​

  • Gain reputation and points to become a vibrant member in this community​

  • Help spread more awareness of what dreamers are about​

  • Share experiences and content​

  • Get to know other dreamers​

  • and the list go on and on​

You may also register as a legal adviser. For type of registration you must submit proof of your credentials as a legal practicioner and provider some background information of the type of cases you handle. Once verified you will gain a legal adviser batch tag name, which will allow you you to stand out in the community.​

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Feb 27, 2024

Just joined and eager, but I'm seeking folks who might like receiving a few free articles about their business for free. If you're curious to see some of my previous articles, feel free to take a look here:


This is a completely free offer from me because A) I require more topics for my writing, B) you'll benefit from some free link juice, and C) a bit of practice in writing is beneficial for us all!

If you're keen, just drop me a PM, I'll be around!