News & Updates - what this news section is about

  • Read about and review our news posting policy here. We are allowing back to back news due to pre-launch dating back to recent news.
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Staff member
Mar 20, 2022

Allowed News​

This section is for news and updates from news organizations and trustworthy sources, excluding sites that may be considered fake news or known anti-immigrant propaganda sites.

News section - rules​

  • Back to back news are allowed (recent news before the site launch)
  • Back to back news must include original date at the bottom
  • When posting news, the source of the news must be included at the bottom of the article.
  • The format of the news must be presentable
    • Copying and pasting the content of the news is not good enough, you must ensure that any formatting errors are corrected.
    • You must ensure that indentation and fonts are consistent.
    • Headings must be using size 3, and only in certain cases should the heading be 2 or 1
  • News moderators can enforce formatting fixtures so that the section remains consistent.
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